Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wrapping things up

Well, I'd hope my aquarium would go out with a bang but sadly I was disappointed. I did not notice any major changes as far as new life, of life dying, or anything of the sort. I noticed perhaps slightly increased amounts of Phacus, Cyanobacteria, Diatoms, Philodina, Gastrotrich, and Paramecium. I could not find the seed shrimp I identified last week... but that could just be because he is too small. There is once again noticeably less sediment, probably consumed by the Midge, who is still by far the largest life form, and looks to be slightly less than 2cm long by the naked eye. The plant life has remained relatively unchanged throughout this project. All in all, I am quite pleased with the amount and diversity of life I encountered in my Mirco Aquarium. I had no idea stuff like this even existed. It showed me a whole new world of stuff you can't even see. Very fascinating. Well, thats all. Its been real in the Mirco-Hood.

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